Friday, May 8, 2009

Elderly people

Elderly people have feelings too…….

How many of you look at the older person as a pain? Come on they move at a pace that comes close to a snail and when your behind them you are delayed for your own busy lifestyle.
They’re always making buses late trying to count out their change for their concessionary fare. The queue in the chemist is always out of the door on pension day, just at that time when you are in a major rush and need to pay that bill that has been bothering you for ages!
Now lets try and imagine we are in their shoes. We work all our lives trying to make the world a nicer place for our children to grow up in. We were children once who ran about furiously thinking that if we didn’t rush we would be out of time. We all met our true loves and married and helped the population by having our beloved children, experienced the heart break and the pain of losing loved ones and friends. Our grandchildren look up to us and realize that we are wise and know the answers to everything.

Why not just take some time out of your busy lifestyles to see that we do not grow old gracefully, we lose respect, our looks, our figures. This is something that we are brave enough to accept and understand. We try not to be angry with those who laugh at us and make remarks, but there is only so much we can take.

We are people with feelings and minds too

One day YOU will grow old and understand what I am saying. Until then please just try and understand that we are people with feelings and minds too and treat us with some consideration.
For comments & Suggestion pls feel free to contact me @